fresh coffee beans

More Coffee Benefits

Coffee Strengthens Your DNA

You might be wondering why you’d need to strengthen your DNA. But why wouldn’t you?

DNA strands can break. To prevent this rather alarming thing from happening all too often, you could drink more coffee, as caffeine tightens DNA integrity.

Coffee Is Rich In Antioxidants

Antioxidants are your body’s first line of defense against rogue free radicals, and coffee contains more than many fruits, including oranges and grapes.

And, Yes, Coffee Could Help You Live Longer

Okay, let’s expand on that carrot at the top of this article. We’ll let Ming Ding, M.D. explain this one:

“Bioactive compounds in coffee reduce insulin resistance and systematic inflammation. They might be responsible for the inverse association between coffee and mortality. However, more studies are needed to investigate the biological mechanisms producing these effects.”

In short, there are many good reasons to drink coffee each day.

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Or make your own and enjoy in one of Awesome Decor's great collections.

Happy Drinking


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